Smile Design


Smile Design

Although dental caries, gingival diseases, toothache and tooth loss come to mind when it comes to dental treatment, today's smile aesthetics due to the appearance of the gums and teeth has also come to a very important place. Tooth decay, gingival diseases and tooth discoloration can cause aesthetic problems, as well as deformities and gingival disproportions in healthy teeth can cause aesthetic complaints. These aesthetic complaints can negatively affect the social life of individuals, as well as trigger a lack of self-confidence in the person and even cause them to hesitate to laugh in public.

Smile design process; It is the process of giving a natural and beautiful appearance to the teeth and gums, which have been aesthetically impaired for various reasons, considering the patient's expectations, face and jaw anatomy, in a patient-specific manner. While performing this procedure, the patient's gender, age, facial features, characteristics and expectations are taken into account. First of all, if any, procedures such as caries, tartar cleaning, gum disease treatment are performed. Afterwards, the smile design treatments needed by the patient are applied. These treatments are;

-Regulation of gingival levels (Gingivectomy)

-Teeth Whitening (Bleaching)

-Lamina Porcelain (Thin porcelain leaves applied to the surface of the tooth)

-Zirconium crown-bridges (Aesthetic restorations that cover the entire outer surface of the tooth. The application area is quite wide.)

-Orthodontic treatments

- Dental implants or prosthetic restorations in the presence of missing teeth.